Pr. Steven Furtick once said that our words have power. He suggested that everything we say should end with “and I want it that way” (cue Backstreet Boys). For instance, I would say “I will succeed [and I want it that way]” as opposed to “I may fail [and I want it that way].” What we speak matters. If all our statements were to actually end with that phrase, would we still say all the same things we are now saying? I hear new language mindlessly being said these days (and I often think, ahh cancel cancel cancel that lol) i.e “dying = when something is too funny and you’re trying to convey that you’re dying of laughter. But no, you’re not dying, you’re alive and well and hopefully living purposefully! My point is, we need to speak life into being, not curses.
Proverbs 18:21 states that "our tongues have the power of life and death." Our generation is all about spreading light and positivity but there is so much hate being generated. Speak with purpose and positivity. We are to promote light as children of God. With all that has been going on around the world and with the upcoming election, we are seeing so much chaos, hatred, and divide in the country – even among those claiming to be followers of Christ. As Christians, we are to be vigilant about what the Holy Spirit is leading us to do; not just go with the motions or what the left or right political parties suggest we do. Jesus was a peacemaker; He taught that the blessed are the peacemakers.
I strongly believe that we must go out and vote because we were given rights to do so, the freedom to do so, and most importantly, the divine responsibility to do so. We have all heard the quote, with great power comes great responsibility (as Peter Parker’s uncle would say) and that is exactly the situation we are currently in. Just as Adam and Eve were to man the field, we are to call into action the things on Earth. What we ask God for, He will give us. If we truly seek His will in this political climate, I believe He will send revival and bring the country into right standing once again. To have “on Earth as it is in Heaven,” this is what we are called to do. We are being given a second chance in the era of grace! We are being called into action to be the representatives of Jesus. As people who want to live and experience change globally, let us lean into the Holy Spirit and partner with Him in Kingdom authority.
1st Peter 2:15-17 states, "For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor."
No matter who becomes the POTUS, we know that Jesus is King. Jesus showed us how to honor his authorities while He walked on Earth as a man. He taught us how to treat authority through the scripture. When we honor our authorities, we honor God. Dishonor leads to curses while honor leads to blessings. This is how the kingdom works. When we bless others, we are blessed, too. When we speak curses into the lives of others, we are cursing ourselves in the process.
As children of God, we were created in the image and likeness of God. When God spoke light into being, light existed (and everything else during the Creation in Genesis). That being said, with the reality that He who is in us being greater than he who is in the world, imagine the power of our words. A friend reminded me recently that every conversation we have carries weight. She added that every conversation can either be a blessing or a curse. So let us be intentional about our words, our choice of words, our expressions within the conversations, and the aftereffects of our communication within our relationships. Are we leaving the conversation in guilt, worry, and regret, or leaving each other uplifted, lighthearted, and at peace? Our voices matter!
Blessing and honor, glory and power
Be unto the Ancient of Days
From every nation, all of creation
Bow before the Ancient of Days
Every tongue in heaven and earth shall declare Your glory
Every knee will bow at Your throne in worship
You will be exalted, oh God
And Your kingdom will not pass away
Oh, Ancient of Days
Song by Petra